Frequently Asked Questions
The purpose of this scholarship program is to support Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and/or Transgender folks in their pursuit of a career in sexual health.
How Do I Qualify for a Scholarship?
This program is not merit or need-based. If you hold any of the identities above, we encourage you to submit for a scholarship!
What is the Scholarship Amount?
All scholarship recipients receive a 40% scholarship to any lodging option of their choice.
How many scholarships do you have? For this event, we have 3 scholarships available.
How do I apply?
Simply email shay@kbhconnect.com.
We hope everyone who registers for this year’s summit will be able to attend; however, the RMSS team knows extenuating circumstances happen. The RMSS cancellation and refund policies are as follows:
Conference Refund and Cancellation Policy
The Rocky Mountain Sex Summit (RMSS) Cancellation and Refund Policy will be as follows to assure consistency and is applicable to the RMSS.
Due to the unique circumstances of this years conference and the extensive planning, conference registration can be canceled by sending an email to Shay@kbhconnect.com on or before August 1, 2024 is refundable but subject to a $50 administrative fee.
Attendees canceling on or after August 1, 2024 will not receive a refund. The refund and cancellation policy will not be waived. Registration fees may be transferred to another individual; the information for the new attendee will be revised to reflect the new attendees registration.
In the event RMSS must cancel the conference due to unforeseen circumstances, RMSS will refund the cost of registration.
Unforeseen Circumstances Defined for Refund and Cancellation Policies:
Unforeseen circumstances is used to describe an event that is unexpected and prevents RMSS from continuing with a conference, training, or webinar. Examples of such circumstances can include, but are not limited to, inclement weather or other natural disasters, site unavailability, technology challenges, and presenter absence.
For questions please contact us at shay@kbhconnect.com
This year’s conference is unlike any conference the RMSS has held. With the core motivation of teaching the wisdom of the 4-D wheel, we felt location played a significant role in this overall learning experience.
With that, lodging is unique an unlike anything we have offered in years past.
You can see a full description with images of lodging on our accommodations page.
You will notice on the ticket website that the lodging is indicated if you are purchasing a shared bed. If you would like your own bed, you will need to purchase two tickets. There will be no discounts based on his preference. If you would like to control who your bunkmate is, consider purchasing a ticket with a friend or colleague and/or purchase one of the shelters with a twin bed.
If you have any questions, please contact shay@kbhconnect.com
For disability accommodations (e.g., sign language interpreters, alternative formats) please contact shaymburnett@gmail.com as soon as possible. Please note that we strive to be an inclusive, accessible conference, but not all requests can be guaranteed.
The Rocky Mountain Sex Summit is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.
Yes! Our please contact our CE coordinator, Braxton Dutson at braxton@thehealinggroup.com There will be a $75 administrative fee for this service.
This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). These CE credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification. Our programming currently has 20 learning hours. This will continue to update this as we go through the application process.
The RMSS is approved for AASECT CE's and is in process for NASW CE"s. The summit meets the criteria for DOPL CE requirements. Due to the cost of applying for CE's, we will not be applying for additional CE's at this time. We encourage you to check with your state CE requirements and/or certifying body to see if the RMSS meets CE requirements. We will provide you with attendance verification and program outline.
We tried to make this as flexible and accessible to a many people as possible which meant filling in all of the sleeping options to keep costs low. We’ve written a blog post to share ideas on how to get privacy in a shared environment. You can find it here!
We LOVE this question and would be wondering the same thing. There are newly renovated stone bathrooms located throughout the property and a full service bathhouse with warm showers. You can wash up, brush up and take care of all of your hygiene needs very comfortably during your stay.